Cap247 Recruitment Agency Ltd , Southend-on-Sea, Essex
A new Resturant business located in the beautiful Southend-on-Sea is looking for an experience Head Chef/Manager. The resurant is located in a beautiful area of the UK which sees a lot of traffic from not only locals, but also tourists and day trippers. (please note that if you are willing to relocate there is also accomodation avaliable to rent
Looking for some one with experience in primarily Turkish Cuisine. Experience as a head chef is essential. They are looking for someone who can help with the running of the business, business development and generating revenue. This business is very open to ideas and input, with all staff being fully supported. The resturant is looking to provide Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner services and the premesis holds an Alcohol liscence, so an individual who holds a personal liscence would be desireable.
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Southend-on-Sea, Essex
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